Sunday, January 26, 2014

#100HappyDays Day 7: Laughing about silly things, like finding out I'm Camilla from the muppets.

Day #7

Days don't have to be extraordinary to be amazing and today proved that point. Mike and I took a break to fill out some of the funnier quizzes that have been floating around Facebook and I learned that I would be Daenerys from Game of Thrones (dragons, please and thank you), Amy Farrah Fowler from Big Bang Theory, Hagrid from Harry Potter (I do love animals), and Camilla from The Muppets. I actually didn't know very much about Camilla and at first I was a little bit peeved (in fact, I tried to re-take the test 4 times but I always got Camilla) so I did some research on her and she actually is pretty cool. At one point during The Muppets Movie, she yells "mouth to beak resuscitation," which is a great line and I have enjoyed yelling it out for no apparent reason.

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